Inspection Manual For Official Food Safety Control Programmes For Food Products Of Plant Origin (2023)Written for inspectors of food of plant origin this forward-thinking manual examines exactly what inspection …Download
Good Agricultural Practices, Post-harvest Handling And Trade Requirements In the Groundnut Value Chain In Kenya (2023)The training focuses on building capacity in good agricultural practices with specific focus on good …Download
Good Agricultural Practices, Post-harvest Handling And Trade Requirements In the French Bean Value Chain In Kenya (2023)This training manual focuses on building capacity in good agricultural practices with specific focus on …Download
Good Agricultural Practices, Post-harvest Handling And Trade Requirements In Chillies, Herbs And Spices Value Chains In Kenya (2023)This training manual focuses on building capacity in good agricultural practices with specific focus on …Download
Aflatoxins And Aflatoxins Management In Groundnuts, Macadamia Nuts, Maize, Herbs And Spices Value Chains (2023)This training manual highlights the issue of aflatoxins from a local, regional and international perspective. …Download
Procedural Manual for the Production and Commercialization of Macadamia Clean Planting Material (2023)This procedural manual has been developed from extensive information from research and background data by …Download
Procedural Manual for Clean Groundnut Seed Planting Material (2023)This manual provides salient information on recommended groundnut seed production practices. Such as technical aspects …Download
Business Plan for Macadamia Clean Planting Material (2023)This business plan has been developed by KALRO experts from a request by MARKUP. It …Download
Business Plan for Commercial Production of Passion Fruit Seedlings (2023)This document is a business plan for the commercialisation of clean passionfruit seed/seedlings in Kenya, …Download
Business Plan for Commercial Production and Marketing of Groundnuts (2023)This plan equips the seed growers, farmers and seed company managers with the knowledge and …Download
Review Of Export Certification System And Inspection Procedure In Kenya (2023)The document reviews the export certification system and inspection criteria of horticulture produce and proposed …Download
Phytosanitary Inspection Guideline for Kenya (2023)This is a guide for plant health inspectors when inspecting plant products for export. It …Download
Procedural Manual for Production and Commercialization of Mango Clean Planting Material (2023)This manual describes the principles and practices in nursery production of quality and superior varieties …Download
Mango Clean Planting Material Business Plan (2023)This business plan guides entrepreneurs to adherer to structures that will assure production of quality …Download
Analysis of National Traceability on Foods of Plant Origin in Kenya (2023)This study on the traceability system helped to identify the need for clear and simple …Download
French Beans and Snow Peas Value Chain Fact SheetThe climatic condition of Kenya favors the production of a variety of vegetable products.Download
Herbs & Spices Value Chain Fact Sheet The spices and herbs with global demand include the following: Pepper, Parsley, Paprika, Marjoram, Capsicum …Download
Chilies Value Chain Fact Sheet Chili/hot pepper is increasingly becoming one of the hottest crops for farmers and a household …Download
Mango Value Chain Fact Sheet Kenya has an abundant supply of mangoes and is the largest producer in the East …Download
Passion Fruit Value Chain Fact SheetPurple passion is an important commercial fruit in Kenya grown for both the export and …Download
Macadamia Nut Value ChainMacadamia is considered the world’s finest dessert nut because of its delicate taste and numerous …Download
Vegetables (French beans and snow peas) reportVegetables (French beans and Snow peas) sub-sector AS IS value chain analysisDownload
Nuts (macademia and groudnuts) reportNuts (Macadamia and groundnuts) sub-sector AS IS value chain analysisDownload
Herbs spices (chillies and herbs) reportHerbs and spices (Chillies and herbs) sub sector AS IS value chain analysisDownload
Fruits (passion fruits and mangoes) reportPassion fruit and mango AS-IS value chain analysisDownload